Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that we are frequently asked.

Can all metals be welded together?

Many types of metals out there can be welded to create a strong bond but there are exceptions to this rule. For example, aluminum and steel cannot be welded together because they have different melting points. As steel takes roughly twice the temperature of aluminum to weld, the aluminum becomes a liquid and will not stay near the steel. But beyond this, when aluminum and steel fuse together they form a brittle bond that is not very effective.

Is soldering a form of welding?

The answer is both yes and no. Traditional welding is done by heating up two pieces of metal that become molten along an edge and are fused together. Soldering involves not heating up the two pieces of metal but melting a lower melting-point material between them to cause a joint. So, soldering is a form of welding as welding involves heat and connecting two different components but it is not strictly welding as it uses an intermediary to create a joint.

How can I tell if someone is a welder?

Welding is a serious profession with no small amount of danger involved. However, everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves no matter how dangerous their job. Here are a couple of good humor ways to assess if you are talking to a welder.

  • They use a welding rod for chop sticks.
  • They are sunburnt in winter.
  • Their shirts, sneakers, and socks are ventilated.
  • You find that they flick their head down when the sun gets in their eyes.
  • They keep feeling for a knob on the back of their baseball cap.
  • You say, "It's Miller time!" and they grab their gloves and shield.
  • They lay z-weave ketchup beads on their eggs or French fries.